Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Omni Journey: Phase 2, Day 1

Well I am happy to report that I woke this morning to a miraculous thing.... I lost 2 pounds! WOOHOO!

 Today is Tuesday, and it is my second technical day on the VLCD (very low calorie diet). Usually by this time I am exhausted and feeling some feelings of detox. I am actually feeling pretty good! I have a slight headache, but all in all, not too shabby.

So the question I get the most is related to my diet. So, I am going to get right to it. I lost 2 pounds this morning, so what did I eat yesterday?
 1. Woke up around 630am and drank a cup of Red Rose Tea with 1T milk and sweet leaf sweet drops (sweetener)
 2. Took Omni Drops at 830am (I am not a morning eater, so I always skip breakfast)
 3. Apple for snack around 11
 4. Took Omni Drops at noon
 5. 1240 I ate lunch: Chicken burger (ground chicken and seasoning)on a bed of romaine (I wrapped it up like a roll). On top of the burger was my home made omni approved ketchup, diced onion and sliced tomato. My veggies in total added up to 4 ounces
6. Dinner time..Approximately 530- Dinner was boneless skinless chicken (4 ounces) with salt pepper and garlic. I cooked fresh spinach with it in the skillet and added fresh garlic cloves and slow cooked it with a little water at the bottom of the pan (NO OILS ALLOWED). I ate one wasa cracker with the approved spicy mustard on it after dinner
7. Apple for snack around 645pm
8. Drank water ALLLL Day long with a little lemon in it. (my total consumption for the day was around 1 gallon)
9. Around 1015pm, I had 1 tablespoon of Nite Lite mixed in with Omni Sport (very tasty) ^ after than menu, I woke to a 2 pound loss overnight !!!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's results.

To purchase products, learn more or to contact me, visit me at www.allaboutomni.com

Friday, August 8, 2014

Omni Drops Program: Rules & Abbreviations

The following rules and abbreviations pertain to Omnitrition's 

'Omni Drops Program'

P= Phase
These are 4 Phases to the Omni Drops Program. Loading, Phase 2, Phase 3 and Life
R= Round 
A round is the session of time that you are on the program. There are 2 round duration's, you must never stop before 21 days, if you wish to have lasting results. You can do several rounds until you reach your weight loss goals.

Each Round consists of a set # of days: You may drop for a 3 week minimum—6 week maximum. Below is how it is explained.

21day round = 2 loading days (DO NOT COUNT), 21 days on drops/VLCD
After those 21 days, You then transition into Phase 3, which is 3 days (72 hours) with NO drops/still on VLCD . Technically, it is a total of 24 days total (phase 2 + 72 hours)

42 day round = 2 loading days (DO NOT COUNT), 42 days on drops/VLCD
After those 21 days, You then transition into Phase 3, which is 3 days (72 hours) with NO drops/still on VLCD . Technically, it is a total of 45 days total (phase 2 + 72 hours)

VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet. This is the P2 (Phase 2) eating protocol explained with Omni Drops paperwork/purchase

Loading Days: These are the 2 Days before starting P2 (VLCD portion of the plan). The loading days are basically days that you take to "store up" before dropping. You will be eating "thanksgiving full" for 2 straight days. You must be on the drops to do this, otherwise loading is ineffective.

To learn more or to purchase products, visit www.allaboutomni.com

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My daily journey- Omni Drops Program- Part 2

Today is Tuesday and I am due to receive my products on Friday. Let me tell you where my mind is at right now:

I am eating like a pig!

Surprised? Well don't be. For those of us who have done the Omni Drops Program before, we know that the last few days before you start, you mine as well eat, because it WILL come off.

Here is the funny thing, well not funny ha ha, but ironic. Here I am eating subs and nibbling on my sons Pop Tarts, all the things I thought I would want...and they are making me sick. I have these headaches again and my stomach rumbles a new kind of rumble. I thought the first time that this happened it was because I over ate. Then I thought it was because my body just was not used to eating carbs anymore. Well today, while at work, I experienced an anxiety related episode. I have had anxiety issues most of my life, but I honestly have not experienced this in months. Could it be the food? I am seriously beginning to wonder.

For those of you who have asked me what I ordered for this round (this is my 3rd round):
Omni Drops Program
Omni Sport
Charge Capsules
Nite Lite

I have taken all of those products except for the Omni Sport, that will be new to be this round.

Stay tuned, it is down to the wire now...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My daily journey- Omni Drops Program: Part 1

I am not a stranger to the Omni Drops Program. As a matter of fact, I have already done 2 rounds and successfully lost weight. So why am I doing chronicles about my journey?

Well, over the course of the last month, I thought I was equipped with enough knowledge and power to maintain my healthy eating without consequence. I was wrong. I was not eating the way I should have, and I knew it. I started to fight off the feelings of regret by working out harder and punishing myself at the gym. It did not help. Let me explain what happened and what lead me to the start of this blog.

Strangely I have been weighing in roughly 5 pounds from my last round on the Omni Program, but my body looks like I have gained 10 or more. In addition to the weight gain, I feel like crap and moved up almost 2 sizes in my clothes. That doesn't make sense if the scale only moved 5 pounds, right? After researching Dr. Simeons manuscript,  I believe this is because I was re-gaining my abnormal fats (stores). I went off course and started eating things I knew I should not be eating, little by little. Guess what happened? Little by little my pants got tighter and my clothing selection got smaller. Naturally my husband and my mother told me I was crazy. My mom thinks I have a body image issue. Maybe she is right to some degree, but I KNOW I am gaining weight right now and I KNOW that I am feeling like garbage. I am determined to stop this runaway train before it derails completely. This time I am going to religiously hold myself accountable. With that being said: Here I am, sharing with all of you!

I will be updating you daily until I reach my end goal weight. I will weigh in daily and post (ugh, I dread that part). I have not decided yet if I want to humiliate myself and post pictures, but being a visual girl myself, I thought it would only be fair to do this. I will post a picture (maybe) starting next Friday. So for all of you who want to know what the Omni Program is like every single day, stay tuned...you will hear all about it. I am determined to give you the "skinny" on omni. Follow me and share in my journey. Wish Me Luck!

Until then, take a look at a friend from high school who transformed her body in just 2 short months. I am so incredibly proud of her. She lost using Omni Drops, Omni Sport and Nite Lite products. I will let you know what everyone is taking, so when you are ready to order, you know what is best.

To learn more about Omnitrition Products, visit my website www.allaboutomni.com

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Omni Drops Program: Day in the life of Phase 2 - what does it look like?

(the only approved items that you can purchase)

What does "a day in the life" of phase 2 look like?

*Omni Drops: 10 drops under tongue upon awakening – Let sit for at least 30 seconds and swallow - wait at least 15 minutes before eating/drinking

 I have 2 cups of  black coffee or red rose tea with 1 tablespoon of milk

½ serving of Strawberries or ½ apple for breakfast + ½ Wasa Bread (Wasa is optional, I do not have them every day, it is a personal choice)

½ serving of Strawberries or ½ apple a few hours later + ½ Wasa Bread- mid morning snack

*Omni Drops: 10 drops under tongue– Let sit for at least 30 seconds and swallow - wait at least 15 minutes before eating/drinking

Lunch consisting of 3.5-4.0 oz of approved protein and 4 oz of approved vegetable

½ serving of Strawberries or ½ apple + ½ Wasa Bread a few hours after lunch

*Omni Drops: 10 drops under tongue upon awakening – Let sit for at least 30 seconds and swallow - wait at least 15 minutes before eating/drinking

Dinner consisting of 3.5-4.0 oz of protein and 4.0 oz of veggie

½ serving of Strawberries or ½ apple 

Also, the Wasa can be eaten with the fruit serving OR anytime in between, I just like to split it up into ½ servings to stretch it all day to keep people stable.

The first couple of days you may have a headache or feel kind of ‘icky’ due to toxins leaving your system and you can use pain reliever for this. IT IS IMPERETIVE that you drink a gallon of liquid a day to flush these out of your system and keep the drops circulating in your body.  If you eat on the schedule above, take the drops as directed and drink your water, I can almost guarantee you will feel fine after you adjust. The first few days are a little ‘weird’ until you get over the hump, then it’s a breeze.

#1, make sure you take the drops (10 drops, 3x a day), hold under the tongue for 30 seconds and then don’t eat/drink anything for 15 minutes after taking them
#2 make sure you take them while loading
#3 try to follow the eating schedule I mentioned above to stay stable all day
#4 drink all of your water and eat all of the allowed food, even if not hungry
#5 make sure you read and re-read the information that came with the drops to know which foods are allowed on the diet portion
#6 If at all possible, join our facebook groups so you have a support network.

**No eating or drinking 15 minutes Before OR After taking the drops**

I encourage you to only use oranges IF you have low blood sugar issues. If you do not, use Apples and/or Strawberries.  Oranges (due to high sugar content), can cause people to stall that don’t need it for blood sugar stabilization. It’s up to you if you want to try them once in a while to see how they affect you.  My customers have found it beneficial to eat a total of 2 fruit servings, split up into 4 smaller servings.  
*Wasa Bread/Melba Toast is NOT mandatory, so you can omit if you wish, I do not eat them every day, but that is a personal preference*


The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes. Salt, pepper, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, plain mustard or mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, marjoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.

Tea, coffee, plain water or mineral water are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times. You can use Stevia and lemon to add flavor to your drinks.

In fact, you should drink about 1 gallon of these fluids per day. Many customers are afraid to drink so much because they fear that this may make them retain more water. This is a wrong notion as the body is more inclined to store water when the intake falls below its normal requirements.

 It is also worth pointing out that any attempt to do this diet without Omni Drops will lead to trouble in 2 to 3 days. You need the release of the fat stores that the drops trigger to successfully do this plan.THIS MUST BE DONE WITH THE OMNI DROPS PROGRAM

Statements made in this publication have not been evaluated by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  As with any weight management or supplementation program, consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new regimen, especially if you have any existing health concerns. Always read and follow label directions. The earnings and weight loss results mentioned in this publication may not be representative of your results. Your results will depend on your individual effort and enterprise. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Omni Drops Program: 12 Tips about Phase 3

Phase 3 Questions?

 Notes and Tips for those on Phase #3:

1. It is important to remind you: eat at least double the protein you were eating on the protocol - at least 100 - 125 protein grams - that is not weight, but grams of pure protein. On the protocol you averaged about 50 so at least double that so you won't be protein deficient. If you get to a level of protein deficiency, be sure to do a steak day

2. It's a good idea to write down what you are eating as you need to know where your set point is and identify "problem" foods. You will want to stay around 1200-1500 calories per day. In addition, insufficient calories can also produce problems. Listen to your body and watch its signs.

3. Remember, Dr. Simeons said you can eat anything you want except sugars and starches. Follow one simple rule, watch the scale. This means exactly that, you can eat up to three fruits a day and have avocado and feta with dinner. You can drink beer and wine. The only thing to try to maintain is a doubling of your protein from the VLCD as you don't want to become protein deficient. Some sample foods on this phase include: prime steak slathered in butter, lots of avocados, loads and loads of fresh fruit and vegetables; you can put butter on those vegetables and cheese at times. You can eat fresh shrimp and fresh fish, often baking it in butter, wine and herbs, You can drink white wine on a few occasions. You can cook your eggs in butter and make omelets with vegetables and a little cheese. Use olive oil, eat more dietary 
fat—it can be the key to maintenance. Overall, eat the good fats and the scale goes down, try to limit the fats and the scale goes up. 

4. Many have found that the maintenance phase demonstrates a change in attitude toward food. For example, not getting a second helping of food, but just eating what is on your plate. People are not as hungry as they remember being pre-protocol. Instead people eat because they need to eat, not because they have this overwhelming desire to stuff their mouths. People also find that they have ridden themselves of the emotional attachment to food.

5. Don’t be afraid if the food you loved before the VLCD no longer tastes the same or gives you the same feeling they gave you before. Sometimes, it can take almost 4 or 5 days to even start enjoying the food again. We believe it is because your body is so used to one way of eating, it takes awhile to adjust to the new way of eating again. 

6. Be careful of introducing too many new foods at once. Try to introduce foods one at a time, so you can determine if a certain food causes a gain or loss. Some people have trouble with dairy. Our suggestion is to go with lean protein, fruit and vegetables during the first few days to balance out. Then, GRADUALLY introduce foods like dairy one at a time, so that if you react negatively it is easily identified. 

7. Read the label on everything you introduce during this maintenance phase. Be sure there is no form of sugar in it or other additives (look for any -ose, corn syrup, MSG, etc.)

8. It is important on this maintenance phase to look at the glycemic index of foods, rather than the carb 
count. This specifically means that foods are ranked on the effect they have on your glucose levels. These 
high glycemic foods are exactly what Dr. Simeons wants you to refrain from.

9. Be careful of yogurts which contain sugar regardless of soy or milk based. You can use organic PLAIN yogurt and then sweeten it with Stevia and add fruit to it (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, or whatever else you are craving.)

10. Use common sense when selecting your food for the maintenance phase. Dr. Simeons really meant to avoid the obvious starches such as corn, potatoes, cereal, white flour, beans, pasta, bread, etc., and not starches in fruits.11. If you are having trouble stabilizing your weight, begin by reducing the fats a bit (i.e. cheese or oil) and increase protein and vegetables. Some people, especially women, seem to be sensitive to cheese and the sodium apparently increases water retention = nominal weight gain (though not fat gain).

12. Don't worry about weight fluctuations (within the 2 pounds or close to it) too much. Many people, have somewhat unstable weight for the first week to 10 days after transitioning from the hCG to maintenance (a few lucky ones don't).It is likely to stabilize for you in less than a week, don't get upset by the minor swings.

Click here to order Omni Drops Program products and get more information about how the plan works

Phase 2 Omni Drops Program: What Can You Eat?