Friday, August 1, 2014

Omni Drops Program: 12 Tips about Phase 3

Phase 3 Questions?

 Notes and Tips for those on Phase #3:

1. It is important to remind you: eat at least double the protein you were eating on the protocol - at least 100 - 125 protein grams - that is not weight, but grams of pure protein. On the protocol you averaged about 50 so at least double that so you won't be protein deficient. If you get to a level of protein deficiency, be sure to do a steak day

2. It's a good idea to write down what you are eating as you need to know where your set point is and identify "problem" foods. You will want to stay around 1200-1500 calories per day. In addition, insufficient calories can also produce problems. Listen to your body and watch its signs.

3. Remember, Dr. Simeons said you can eat anything you want except sugars and starches. Follow one simple rule, watch the scale. This means exactly that, you can eat up to three fruits a day and have avocado and feta with dinner. You can drink beer and wine. The only thing to try to maintain is a doubling of your protein from the VLCD as you don't want to become protein deficient. Some sample foods on this phase include: prime steak slathered in butter, lots of avocados, loads and loads of fresh fruit and vegetables; you can put butter on those vegetables and cheese at times. You can eat fresh shrimp and fresh fish, often baking it in butter, wine and herbs, You can drink white wine on a few occasions. You can cook your eggs in butter and make omelets with vegetables and a little cheese. Use olive oil, eat more dietary 
fat—it can be the key to maintenance. Overall, eat the good fats and the scale goes down, try to limit the fats and the scale goes up. 

4. Many have found that the maintenance phase demonstrates a change in attitude toward food. For example, not getting a second helping of food, but just eating what is on your plate. People are not as hungry as they remember being pre-protocol. Instead people eat because they need to eat, not because they have this overwhelming desire to stuff their mouths. People also find that they have ridden themselves of the emotional attachment to food.

5. Don’t be afraid if the food you loved before the VLCD no longer tastes the same or gives you the same feeling they gave you before. Sometimes, it can take almost 4 or 5 days to even start enjoying the food again. We believe it is because your body is so used to one way of eating, it takes awhile to adjust to the new way of eating again. 

6. Be careful of introducing too many new foods at once. Try to introduce foods one at a time, so you can determine if a certain food causes a gain or loss. Some people have trouble with dairy. Our suggestion is to go with lean protein, fruit and vegetables during the first few days to balance out. Then, GRADUALLY introduce foods like dairy one at a time, so that if you react negatively it is easily identified. 

7. Read the label on everything you introduce during this maintenance phase. Be sure there is no form of sugar in it or other additives (look for any -ose, corn syrup, MSG, etc.)

8. It is important on this maintenance phase to look at the glycemic index of foods, rather than the carb 
count. This specifically means that foods are ranked on the effect they have on your glucose levels. These 
high glycemic foods are exactly what Dr. Simeons wants you to refrain from.

9. Be careful of yogurts which contain sugar regardless of soy or milk based. You can use organic PLAIN yogurt and then sweeten it with Stevia and add fruit to it (raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, or whatever else you are craving.)

10. Use common sense when selecting your food for the maintenance phase. Dr. Simeons really meant to avoid the obvious starches such as corn, potatoes, cereal, white flour, beans, pasta, bread, etc., and not starches in fruits.11. If you are having trouble stabilizing your weight, begin by reducing the fats a bit (i.e. cheese or oil) and increase protein and vegetables. Some people, especially women, seem to be sensitive to cheese and the sodium apparently increases water retention = nominal weight gain (though not fat gain).

12. Don't worry about weight fluctuations (within the 2 pounds or close to it) too much. Many people, have somewhat unstable weight for the first week to 10 days after transitioning from the hCG to maintenance (a few lucky ones don't).It is likely to stabilize for you in less than a week, don't get upset by the minor swings.

Click here to order Omni Drops Program products and get more information about how the plan works

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