Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Omni Journey: Phase 2, Day 1

Well I am happy to report that I woke this morning to a miraculous thing.... I lost 2 pounds! WOOHOO!

 Today is Tuesday, and it is my second technical day on the VLCD (very low calorie diet). Usually by this time I am exhausted and feeling some feelings of detox. I am actually feeling pretty good! I have a slight headache, but all in all, not too shabby.

So the question I get the most is related to my diet. So, I am going to get right to it. I lost 2 pounds this morning, so what did I eat yesterday?
 1. Woke up around 630am and drank a cup of Red Rose Tea with 1T milk and sweet leaf sweet drops (sweetener)
 2. Took Omni Drops at 830am (I am not a morning eater, so I always skip breakfast)
 3. Apple for snack around 11
 4. Took Omni Drops at noon
 5. 1240 I ate lunch: Chicken burger (ground chicken and seasoning)on a bed of romaine (I wrapped it up like a roll). On top of the burger was my home made omni approved ketchup, diced onion and sliced tomato. My veggies in total added up to 4 ounces
6. Dinner time..Approximately 530- Dinner was boneless skinless chicken (4 ounces) with salt pepper and garlic. I cooked fresh spinach with it in the skillet and added fresh garlic cloves and slow cooked it with a little water at the bottom of the pan (NO OILS ALLOWED). I ate one wasa cracker with the approved spicy mustard on it after dinner
7. Apple for snack around 645pm
8. Drank water ALLLL Day long with a little lemon in it. (my total consumption for the day was around 1 gallon)
9. Around 1015pm, I had 1 tablespoon of Nite Lite mixed in with Omni Sport (very tasty) ^ after than menu, I woke to a 2 pound loss overnight !!!!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's results.

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